Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 2

See part 1 and explanation here!

11. Turning Point in your Life
Sunne! First time I moved away from home and that changed a lot. I learned new things about myself and got new experiences and a looot of friends.

12. Most Recent Accomplishment
Seriously, best set of cinnamon buns I've ever made..!!

13. Comic
I was picking wild strawberries the day before and did this "typical Swedish thing"-comic.

 14. Favourite Fairytale
Eeeh.. I don't really have one. Instead of putting to much thought in it I ended up doing typical things in a fairytale. The evil pointy mountains, the hill far far away, a castle, forest, lake and road.

15. Family picture
My family may be a little odd.. I thought about drawing everybody but then I realized how complicated that would be. For example, my step mom+siblings isn't part of my "real" family and even tho my uncle and cousin are dead they'll always be part of the family. I think this solution turned out surprisingly well.

Random drawings when I didn't want to follow the list.

I did an animation as well that took me 2 days, but I can't upload it here and you'll probably see it later when I'm 100% done with it. AND THERE'S ONE PICTURE MISSING WTF I DON'T EVEN

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Up in the Sky

Found this super colourful and cute music video just now, take a look!

The style reminds me a lot of the work by David OReilly (take a look at this video he made), so at first I thought it was something made by him. I guess the ones making this video just had a lot of references from his work.
Well well, there's a lot of small-things I like in this video so maybe I'll use it as a reference for future work~

Thursday, July 26, 2012


When I was still living in London I gave away some stickers, and after I saw what Nidia did with the ones I gave her I just had to send her some more!!
Not sure why, but I'm getting so happy and exited every time I see people use my stickers (or stuff in general) so this made me really glad~


Hum.. Thinking about adding a black outline on the logo to match the front better. Good or Bad idea?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 1

Since this months drawings is a bit more special due to the list I've been following, I thought that I'll do like this:
     Now I'll give you 10 pictures with a short explanation to those which I've been drawing from the list.
     In 3-4 days I'll post 10 more pictures since I'll be gone on the 31 and have no internet access.
     When I come back home I'll give you the last 10 pictures!
And yes, there's 31 days of July. But one of the daily pictures turnout out to be places on my friends arm while we were sitting at a bar and I started to throw around pencils + the animation took me two days (and actually contains of 25 pictures).

1. Yourself
This one was drawn with a reference picture I took in Paris. I was bored at my internship so I've named the drawing "Bored Girl in Paris".

2. Favourite Animal
Unicorns! I don't like horses, but, seriously, how can you not love unicorns?! Logic.

3. Favourite Food

As the text says, tho I put the wrong date on it.. + I really felt like drawing a happy broccoli by some reason.

4. Favourite place
One of the things I missed the most while living in Paris and London was my desk! I LOVE my desk and chair and all the junk on my walls and asdfghjk!!

5. Best Friend
I know I must seem like a fucking loner for doing this as my "Best Friend", but I have some reasons for it and two of them are that 1. I didn't want to pick just one of my friends, they are all pretty awesome and 2. the day I did this picture I talked to 4 of my friends that's spread out all over the world (Argentina, UK, Switzerland) through Skype and it made my whole day!

6. Favourite Book Character
It was impossible to chose. I love them both! I know that Ruffy really isn't really a book character but fuck that.

7. Favourite Word
Brutalt is Swedish for Brutally, you can use that word for everything!
"This food is brutally delicious", "It was brutally many people at the pub yesterday", "I'm brutally in love with you", etc.~
And, oh, those circles on his arms is where I planed to draw tattoos

8. Favourite Animated Character
Hahaha, okay, this one failed so hard! I didn't feel like drawing at all and I had a hard time deciding what character to draw. I decided to draw the Gummy Bears, but than I realized it was shit loads of them and I couldn't decide for just one of them! But yeah, SpongeBob is cool, super random and cute~

9. Favourite TV-Show
I don't follow any shows on TV, I mostly look on my computer. But when I do look at TV this is what I enjoy the best! I like most of the CSI series, but the New York version is in some undescribable way the best of them.

10. Favourite Candy
If you ever get the chance, buy yourself a KEX choklad and taste a piece by heaven!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


The front of the bag is done!

Will probably finish the back today or tomorrow, just have to decide about colours etc. and let the front dry properly before I begin.

They're back

It's time to paint some bags again..!
I have 3-4 orders of bags already, but to start with I'll do something personal. I haven't been using my fabric colours in over six months now..? I'm afraid I'll be a bit "rusty" and therefore it's nice to start with something that nobody has any expectations on.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fuck structure

I don't know how many times I've said it before, but I think it's super fun to see how other people draw. But one thing about those kind of videos, tutorials or just work in progress pictures can irritate me.. They look to damn perfect! When I draw I have some structure, like draw the things in the front first when it comes to line art, but I jump around a lot. Like this picture (the latest one for We Wear Sneakers) just looks creepy for the moment..! I draw the eyes, hair, jump back to the eyes, start on the scarf, do more hair and then back to the eyes. I basically draw whatever I feel like. If I'm doing something in the hair and then see that "Ah, I could add that detail at the eye!" I just do it.
I think that if I had too much structure while drawing it would not be as good.


Yesterday was the second time someone gave me the nickname "hot dog"..
Well, I guess that I at least get remembered + people seams to like my stickers!

This sticker is from last year, near Långholmen in Stockholm. I went by there yesterday and WTF!! The whole electrical cabinet in GONE!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Mosaic Trail

I love this!! Maybe I should start playing around with mosaic..?

Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Random

Found this video some time ago and yesterday my friend reminded me of it. It's beautifully made and I think that if you haven't seen- you really should do it NOW!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Half done

I'm still working on the 30-things-to-draw-thing, but it's really making me frustrated some times!
If I for example have an idea for what to draw and I'm exited to try it and THEN remember that I have the list to follow, I end up doing the drawing on the list since I don't have time for both..
Two days in a row now I've been drawing things that's not on the list. I'll probably do all the things on that list but not every day. That means this little project will still be going on in August!

Here's the list again if anyone forgot about it, I'm on number 15 now

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Work work

Today I'm working! Yes, for a client!
Feels really odd sitting at home tho.. Wish I had an office space or knew of a nice café where they don't mind that you steal a seat and a table for a couple of hours. Does anyone have something to recommend within Stockholm?

A place with nice pastry and coffee is a big +!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Unicorn Magic

Since I've made so many unicorn stickers and planing to do more I thought I should spread the joy! Why just Stockholm, why not more places?
So, if you would like to be part of spreading the unicorn magic, send me an e-mail ( with a comment + your address and I'll send some stickers to you! I may also include some other stickers~

Friday, July 13, 2012

Stickers again

I've started to make stickers again!!

Last year I put up hamburgers and hot dogs all over Stockholm, this summer I'm planing to do the same but with unicorns. I would love to have more hot dogs and burgers, but my printer isn't good enough for the colours to endure rain, sun and cold.. Maybe someone would like to help/sponsor me so that I can get more? :D
But for now unicorns are cool, I don't need anything more then just cut them out and they are done + I can use my markers if I want to give them colour.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

World maps and siblings

Yesterday I visited my step sister and we spent the whole day drawing. She did a world map and that made me wanting to do one! Unfortunately I don't have huge papers, the biggest I got is some random size, slightly bigger then A3, and world maps are so beautiful I would love to have a big one!

It was a really nice day, she and my step brother (who joined us later on) doesn't draw/paint often at all but they thought this was really fun. It made me sort of feel like a teacher..  Hopefully we'll do this soon again.

I worked on my picture of the day and this is my sketch of it

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Great Summer

I'm currently competing in a competition where you can both vote for my design and buy it from the website! This is the first time I'm trying this, so I'm not totally sure how it works and all that.

to go the the website to read more and clickity-clack the like button on my design to help me win!! 
P.S. The guy is not included when buying the t-shirt

Craft work

Painting that chest of drawers gave me a good reminder of how much I love working with my hands!

This is a pin I made some time ago + another one I bought in London. The bird skulls are from London as well. I want to do something fun with them but I haven't really figured out what yet..

Remember these ones? I sprayed some toy animals some time ago, but I don't think I ever showed you how they turned out?

These are my favourite ones! I had problems with the others since the paint didn't stick to the plastic or the hook was too big.

Shit, I really want to do more stuff like these..!

Monday, July 9, 2012


I'm done painting and the miniature chest of drawers is now standing on my desk. I've started to fill it with paper, pens and technical stuff (cameras, tablet, printer ink, etc.) but I think it'll take me some time to get used to it and get a good structure in it.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Sleep? Naaah, I'm painting!!

Bought myself a nice little thing to keep my pencils and papers in today. I didn't like the original wood so I'm painting it white, maybe turning it into some more "fun" colour later.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


..and now my picture is done!!


The third portrait is DONE!! This time it was Robins turn

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Birthday Cake

Today is Max's birthday!! I got a little carried away yesterday and didn't realize until 3.40am what time it was..

Unicorns is my favourite animal

Did something different for todays picture, fun working with stickers again!! I've been missing my huge sticker papers..~

I like the one that's just white the most

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Here's all my drawings from June~

And yes, there's a few missing.. WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?! I suppose I've counted the Fika animation as one of the drawings that's missing and I'm afraid that I might have thrown some away while I was cleaning my room in London.. I'll post or update later if I find more D: