Some things that I have been working on today.. Nothing special, but I like them somehow~
-The top ones I did while listening to The Fashion: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQavPcukqAM
-Vivi is one of my favourite characters from the game Final Fantasy IX, I haven't played it so much, but.. he is just too adorable
-Hanna Is Not A Boys Name is an AWESOME comic by Tessa Stone! *she is my hero..* I didn't do all what you see on the picture today, but I found it in one of my piles and thought that I should do some lines on it :3
Reed the comic at http://hanna.aftertorque.com/ and look at her other amazing stuff at http://vert-is-ninja.deviantart.com/!!
I love Tessa Stone's style so god damn much