Wednesday, November 16, 2011

World Peace

Today a 72h. project started at Hyper Island, and it involes both the Karlskrona and Stockholm classes. We have gotten an assignment that we're working on in themes with members from all the classes. And what's the assignment? To bring world peace (for at least 24h.)!
We've just started, but maaan.. It's a real tough one! Do you have any ideas of what could bring the world peace? Share them! As I said, it's really hard to find a solution to it all, but it's a nice subject and it can bring you good ideas of how to turn something bad into something loving~
If you want to follow our process, you can do it via Twitter or look at The hash tags for Twitter are #HyperIsland and #72hpeace.

One way for Hyper Island to show their love for their students is to give away free fika- waffles!

Also, we're already in Dagens Media

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